Andreja Bitenca 70, 1000 Ljubljana



In November, the humanitarian organization Merhamet distributed 90 packages of food and 40 packages of textile products, including men’s, women’s and children’s clothing, as well as footwear and various accessories for the home and household. The humanitarian organization Merhamet realizes the distribution of food items every month in an action called “Sadaka za nasmeh”.

The activities and donations of our members and donors are reflected in various ways. In addition to all the activities, the humanitarian organization Merhamet donated a cot, a pram, a baby swing and various household appliances to the families in November. All of this was donated by our loyal donors.

We strived to make our help available to all families in need, as well as to families of migrants living in the municipality of Ljubljana.

Many different requests and letters arrive at the address of the Humanitarian Organization Merhamet every month, both from Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. With God’s help, we strive to ensure that most requests are granted. That is why we thank all the good people and our donors who fight tirelessly and take care of others. May dear God repay you.


In November, the humanitarian organization Merhamet delighted several families in Bosnia and Herzegovina with food packages. Merhamet also delighted two families by buying firewood. A large number of families have found themselves in difficult living conditions due to the epidemic of the new coronavirus.

In order to make even more families in need happy, we invite you who have the opportunity to join us and become humane.


The humanitarian organization Merhamet expresses its gratitude to all its donors and volunteers. Thank you for donations, tireless work and helping others. We thank the families of Muhamed Kulauzović and Hazim Okanović, who with their donations prepared us to thank them and ask the Almighty God to give them and their families health and success, both in business and private life.

In the months that are behind us, we have been informed about all activities and campaigns carried out by the Humanitarian Organization Merhamet. We want our good name to spread and to make people feel cared for. This can take many forms. Man is a social and humane being. By doing good, we are creating a society in which most people will be content, happy and well-off. Our monthly “Sadaka za nasmeh” campaign is also waiting for us in December. We hope that all of you who have read this text will be part of our story.

Be human / Be human / Be a part of good / Give and help!


We are witnessing the severe consequences of the earthquakes that engulfed the territory of Croatia and caused damage to people and their property. Survivors need our help.
Every gift will be welcome in helping and eliminating the consequences of the earthquake for the inhabitants of Sisak, Petrinja and Glina, especially in the reconstruction of houses and the normalization of life of the most vulnerable families.

In the current circumstances, the most necessary funds are needed for action on the ground and also for the subsequent elimination of the consequences of the earthquake. The humanitarian organization Merhamet is organizing a campaign to raise financial aid for those affected by the earthquakes that claimed lives and caused great damage. This will be an expression of solidarity and support for the people of Croatia in these difficult times.


Payments can be made to the account of the Humanitarian Organization Merhamet:

Humanitarian organization Merhamet

Cesta Andreja Bitenca 70

1000 Ljubljana

SI56 2900 0005 0849 003


Purpose: Earthquake Petrinja

BIC bank: BACXSI22


In October, the humanitarian organization Merhamet carried out its monthly campaign “Sadaka for a Smile” and on this occasion distributed 85 packages of food products. We also distributed 50 textile packages containing men’s, women’s and children’s clothing and footwear. These packages often include bedding, tablecloths, curtains, decorative scarves or decorative items for the home.

The humanitarian organization Merhamet, together with its volunteers and donors, strives to provide food packages every month, which include basic necessities such as flour, milk, rice, pasta, sugar, salt, canned fish, beans, packaged mashed potatoes, fruit jams, coffee, potatoes, onions, fruit and basic toiletries. They also provide diapers every month for children or families with young children.

The food packages are worth as much as the donations that arrive at the Humanitarian Organization every month. Our donors are all of you reading this news. Given the epidemic-related situation, we observe that the number of those in need of our help is increasing day by day. Therefore, we hope that our organization will be richer for a larger number of donors and the sense of fellow human beings still lives in us.


The humanitarian organization Merhamet works through several campaigns: “Sadaka for a smile”, “Let’s warm our cold fingers”, “School supplies”, in the form of home visits to vulnerable families, one-time assistance in the form of paying bills to those families who live on the brink of survival. They regularly distribute sacrificial meat, packages containing a variety of vegetables, packages with dairy products, textiles, toiletries, baby supplies such as diapers, basic toiletries, strollers, cribs, and clothing and footwear for all ages.

Most of us, thank God, live beautiful lives, with orderly relationships and resources. Unfortunately, there are many people among us who have found themselves in various life difficulties. There are also those who are struggling to survive. That’s why this text is for all of us, as our little one is really big for someone. Everyone who wants to become a donor of any Merhamet campaign is welcome. Our main “Sadaka za nasmeh” campaign takes place every month and is very important for our users.

Be humane / be human!


In September, the humanitarian organization Merhamet distributed 80 food packages, 12-liter milk packages and 40 textile packages of various values. Textile packages contain various products, from men’s, women’s to children’s clothing.
This range also includes footwear for all seasons, necessities for small children, such as prams, changing tables, toys, blankets, carpets, pillows. The donor for this campaign was Ljubljanske mlekarne, which donated 130 packages of milk of 12 liters each. The project was carried out thanks to Sanel Alibegić. Mirzet Bajrović also donated 50 packages of flour of 10 kilograms each. The Up from Jesenice association also joined this campaign, donating flour, pasta and various types of salads. We truly thank everyone. We need to face the fact that more and more people are seeking different types of help. Merhamet has its permanent monthly “Sadaka za nasmeh” campaign, which is intended to collect material, financial or food donations, all for the purpose of purchasing basic food packages. Everyone,


Winter is approaching, it is getting colder outside. Unfortunately, many do not have enough resources to spend a beautiful and warm winter. The humanitarian organization Merhamet has launched a fundraising campaign to help families who do not have enough funds to afford heating over the winter. So we helped two families and provided them with heating for the coming winter. The campaign, called “Let’s Warm Cold Fingers”, is aimed at those who are most vulnerable. Hoping that those of you reading this will be part of our campaigns, we warmly welcome you and thank you for your help.


Unfortunately, the migrant crisis has been going on for several years now, and many have found themselves in a rather difficult situation. The humanitarian organization Merhamet is working to provide migrant families with basic food packages, children’s toiletries, footwear, clothing and dairy products. Hoping that our children will build a better world and a better society tomorrow, we invite you to become socially active and useful and thus work with Merhamet’s team for a better tomorrow and a better future for all of us.


In August, the humanitarian organization Merhamet promoted the “School Supplies” campaign. The campaign was successfully completed on the last weekend of August. We distributed 50 packages of school supplies to the children who needed help. On this occasion, we also awarded 65 packages of food products and 65 packages of vegetables, which was donated by Mr. Senad Bilal from Ljubljana.

There are also 50 packages of textile products in the form of bedding, women’s, men’s and children’s clothing and footwear. This is Merhamet’s largest campaign to date. From February to March, when the global coronavirus pandemic began, the humanitarian organization Merhamet donated more than 500 packages of food items. The campaigns also included the distribution of textile products, school supplies, packages of vegetables and meat products or meat sacrifices for users of Merhamet packages. Every month, the users of Merhamet’s campaigns were given food items, hygiene supplies for children and adults, and dairy products. We are grateful to all the good people from all over Slovenia, and most of all to those from Ljubljana, who have recognized the value of Merhamet’s actions and therefore regularly participate in all activities and thus strengthen the social awareness of helping others and participating in good deeds. Merhamet’s campaigns last every month and take place on the last Saturday or Sunday of the current month. Be a part of the good and give your best so that you can build a better society for yourself and your children.


Since March, the humanitarian organization Merhamet has been helping the families of migrants in and around Ljubljana every month. Food packages are donated to families every month. Textile products in the form of women’s, men’s and children’s clothing and footwear are also donated. Children of migrant families look forward to packages of school supplies, dairy products and hygiene supplies.


Unfortunately, many people have found themselves in various difficult life situations in the last year. Anyone who has not survived a difficult period does not understand those who are in a difficult situation. Through Merhamet’s campaigns, we meet people who have different life needs. Some are left without life opportunities, others come from foreign countries, whether they are migrants or those who come for treatment or have sick family members in their home countries. Everyone in Merhamet is looking for some kind of help. In order to be able to realize any action, we need the help of good people. Therefore, you who read these lines, be and become part of Merhamet’s actions. It will be a little for you, but it means a lot to someone else. When we help others, we are actually building better personality traits within ourselves, when we are socially active, we are perfected and happy.


In the period from 1 July to 10 July 2020, the humanitarian organization Merhamet, in cooperation with the Islamic Community in the Republic of Slovenia, raised funds to help Sandžak in the fight against the coronavirus epidemic.

The funds raised in the amount of EUR 15,000.00 (EUR 7,000.00 by the humanitarian organization Merhamet and EUR 8,000.00 by the Islamic Community in the Republic of Slovenia) were transferred to help Sandžak.

We would like to thank all those who participated and supported the project, especially KŠD SANDŽAK in Slovenia and the Bosniak Association ‘Ruh’, who selflessly raised this project by raising funds.

V boj proti COVID 19 – Pomoč Sandžaku

The need for solidarity has arisen due to the rapid increase in coronavirus infections and the deteriorating epidemiological situation in Sandzak.

Solidarity Action – Help Sandžak more in the article at the link:

Help Sandzak

Bajramska darila

V času ramazanskega bajrama smo za osebe tretjega življenjskega obdobja in tiste, ki so v socialni stiski, posebej tiste, ki živijo sami, pripravili poseben program z obiskom in bajramskimi darili.

V času ramazanskega bajrama je humanitarna organizacija Merhamet zahvaljujoč svojim donatorjem in podpornikom razdelila bajramska darila za osebe tretjega življenjskega obdobja.

Merhametova akcija »Sadaka za nasmeh« se nadaljuje

At the time of the proclamation of the epidemic in the Republic of Slovenia, the humanitarian organization Merhamet launched the “Sadaka za nasmeh” campaign. At the end of May, we distributed about 100 aid packages for the third time. These are food packages, milk packages and basic hygiene items. On this occasion, one ton of potatoes donated by SB from Ljubljana was awarded.

Together with its volunteers, the humanitarian organization Merhamet donated the necessary funds in the following municipalities: Ljubljana, Kranj, Škofja Loka, Jesenice, Izola, Nova Gorica, Velenje, Medvode, Kamnik. A large number of people responded to Merhamet’s invitation and individually or together with their family supported the project by preparing packages according to their abilities.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who were part of the Merhamet campaign, and especially our donors and supporters. At the same time, we invite everyone who would like to be part of this campaign to join us and once a month together for all those in social distress, we contribute with a package of food items.

Now is the time when each of us can help those in need.

We invite you to continue to be part of Merhamet’s “Sadaka za nasmeh” campaign, by purchasing food items or paying the value of one food package (40 euros). You can transfer funds to the account below:

Humanitarian organization MERHAMET
Cesta Andreja Bitenca 70
1000 Ljubljana

TRR: SI56 2900 0005 0849 003
Purpose code:
Swift alms: BACXSI22


S sadako do nasmeha

At the time of the proclamation of the coronavirus epidemic in Slovenia, the humanitarian organization Merhamet organized several activities aimed at helping socially endangered families, as well as people who are unable to provide for themselves with basic necessities.

In the past, Merhamet has provided and distributed hundreds of packages to socially disadvantaged families. This is a time of solidarity, so we invite you to buy a package with basic necessities listed on the website of Merhamet ( and deliver it to the address of the organization, namely the Humanitarian Organization Merhamet, Cesta Andreja Bitenca 70, Ljubljana , or call us on 031 432 331. Our volunteers will deliver the package to the addresses of people in need.

Alternatively, you can pay a cash donation to Merhamet’s transaction account:

Humanitarian organization MERHAMET
Cesta Andreja Bitenca 70
1000 Ljubljana

TRR: SI56 2900 0005 0849 003
Purpose code:
Swift alms: BACXSI22

We are grateful to all who have helped all those who need our help.