Andreja Bitenca 70, 1000 Ljubljana


Pomoč pri preskrbi z življenjskimi potrebščinami

Due to the rapid increase in coronavirus infections, there is a need for solidarity with vulnerable groups in the local environment.

During the declared coronavirus epidemic in Slovenia, the humanitarian organization Merhamet is organizing assistance in providing necessities for the elderly and the sick. If you need help, call us on 031 432 331 or contact us via email to deliver the necessary things with the help of our network and volunteers. Describe in the e-mail as precisely as possible what supplies you need.

Zaključek akcije zbiranja pomoči za pomoč prizadetim v potresu v Turčiji

In the period from 25 January to 3 February 2020, the humanitarian organization Merhamet, in cooperation with the Islamic Community in the Republic of Slovenia, raised funds to help those affected by the earthquake that affected the Turkish province of Elazig on 24 January 2020.

The funds raised in the amount of EUR 12,200.00 were paid on 12 February 2020 into an account opened to help those affected by the earthquake in Turkey, which we received from the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Ljubljana.

We thank everyone who participated and supported the project.

Zbiranje pomoči narodu Turčije

We are witnessing the severe consequences of the earthquake that engulfed the Turkish province of Elazig. Many people lost their lives, several buildings were demolished. Survivors need our help.

The humanitarian organization Merhamet, in cooperation with the Islamic Community in the Republic, is organizing a campaign to raise financial aid for the injured and injured residents of the province of Elazig. The Islamic Community in the Republic of Slovenia will organize a stall on Friday, January 31, 2020.

The campaign will run from January 25 to February 3, 2020.

To all who would like to help financially, you can transfer your donation to the account of the Humanitarian Organization Merhamet:

 SI56 2900 0005 0849 003


Humanitarian organization Merhamet

Cesta Andreja Bitenca 70

1000 Ljubljana


We express our condolences to the victims, their families and ask God for mercy and patience.

All additional information can be obtained from the President of HO Merhamet on the telephone number 031 432 331.

Zbiranje pomoči narodu Albanije

In the period from November 29, 2019 to December 15, 2019, the humanitarian organization Merhamet raised funds to help the Albanian nation affected by the earthquake that hit Albania on November 26, 2019.

On 18 December 2019, the humanitarian organization Merhamet paid the collected funds in the amount of € 11,900 to the account of the Ministry of European and International Affairs of the Republic of Albania, which it received from the Embassy of the Republic of Albania in Ljubljana. We thank everyone who participated and supported this project.

Zbiranje pomoči za narod Rohingya v Mjanmaru

The Rohingya Muslim minority living in Myanmar is the most persecuted group in the world over which genocide is being perpetrated. Cruelty to the people in this area is immeasurable, so the humanitarian organization Merhamet will organize a collection of dedicated donations, which will redirect them to help the needy Muslims in Myanmar.

The fundraising campaign will take place from Saturday 23 September to Friday 6 October 2017.

Donations can be paid through TRR HO Merhamet or by cash.

SI56 2900 0005 0849 003
Humanitarian organization Merhamet,
Grablovičeva 14, Ljubljana

All additional information can be obtained from the President of HO Merhamet on the telephone number 041 255 692.

Zbiranje pomoči za sirske begunce uspešno zaključeno

Prostovoljci Merhameta so v vseh prostorih Islamske skupnosti v Sloveniji zbirali hrano za otroke, konzervirano hrano in higienske pripomočke. Akcija zbiranja pomoči je uspešno izvedena.

V 17-tih zbirnih mestih je zbrano šest ton hrane, ki je razdeljena po begunskih centrih kot tudi družinam, ki potrebujejo tovrstno pomoč.

Šolske potrebščine za učence mekteba

In March, the humanitarian association Merhamet, in cooperation with the association GD Trgovina, storitve in trgovina doo, presented all students attending the mekteb (verouk) in the Islamic Community with basic school supplies such as children’s books in Bosnian, notebooks, markers and other school supplies. At the same time, the Merhamet Society wished them much success in their educational path.

The humanitarian association Merhamet is determined to continue with similar campaigns in the future, so we invite all interested parties to support us in continuing to collect school supplies for high school students and as yet undiscovered children who urgently need our help.

Vas Mercy

Donacija društva Merhamet hiši Hospic

Humanitarno društvo Merhamet je v sodelovanju s podporniki društva predalo donacijo hlačnih predlog ali plenic za odrasle v uporabo hiši Hospic.

Hiša Hospic je domovanje za zadnje dni, obodbje, ko zapuščamo za seboj tozemno življenje. Prostor, kjer se lajšajo zadnje bolečine in olajša prehod iz enega stanja v drugo.

Akcija zbiranja pomoči: pomagajmo sirskim beguncem

Zbirna akcija bo potekala na dva načina, in sicer v obliki zbiranja prehrambenih in higienskih artiklov, ki bodo dostavljeni begunskemu centru v Beogradu, ki je v zadnjih časih zelo izpostavljen ali z vplačilom donacije, ki predstavlja protivrednost paketa.

Uspešno zaključena akcija zbiranja pomoči za begunce iz Sirije

On 24 and 25 October 2015, the Merhamet humanitarian association organized and successfully completed a campaign to collect aid for refugees from Syria. In two days, 15 tons of food and drink were collected and delivered by seven vans to the refugee assistance centers in Šentilj. This humanitarian action was organized in cooperation with the Islamic Community in the Republic of Slovenia, which ceded its infrastructure to the Merhamet Humanitarian Society and thus contributed to the successful completion of this project.