Andreja Bitenca 70, 1000 Ljubljana

How To Get A Fabulous Charity On A Tight

On Tuesday, June 9, 2015, the 16th Happy Volunteer Day was held on Prešeren Square and Stritarjeva ulica in Ljubljana, organized by Slovenian Philanthropy, with the participation of more than 100 volunteer organizations. The Merhamet Humanitarian Association was also given the opportunity to present itself to the general public, responding to the organizer's invitation and participating in the Happy Volunteer Day by presenting its activities. The varied program offered a variety of creative workshops, animations and street games, but there was also dance and music. The purpose of the Happy Volunteer Day was to celebrate volunteering, socialize volunteers, connect between participating organizations and present volunteer organizations, and the opportunity to present volunteer work to the general public. The happy day of volunteering was again held under the auspices of the current mayor of Ljubljana. The Volunteer Week also included a number of other events, which included various round tables on current topics related to volunteering, as well as presentations by volunteer organizations.

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