Andreja Bitenca 70, 1000 Ljubljana



Humanitarna organizacija Merhamet je avgusta 2021 razdelila 100 paketov živil, 120 paketov šolskih potrebščin, 80 paketov tekstila in 30 kosov šolskih torb. V okviru naše redne mesečne akcije »Sadaka za nasmeh« smo razdelili 100 paketov živil. To našo osrednjo akcijo izvajamo vsak mesec.

Razdelili smo tudi 80 tekstilnih paketov, ki vključujejo moška, ​​ženska in otroška oblačila in obutev. Posteljnina se distribuira tudi preko tekstilnih paketov, tako za odrasle kot za otroke.

Zahvaljujoč našim donatorjem lahko skoraj vsak mesec otroke razveselimo z različnimi igračami.


Humanitarna organizacija Merhamet je junija razdelila 95 paketov živil. Paket živil vsebuje osnovna živila, ki jih potrebuje vsako gospodinjstvo. Tudi v okviru te akcije smo razdelili več kot 60 tekstilnih paketov.

Paketi, ki vsebujejo tekstil, so sestavljeni iz moške, ženske in otroške obutve in oblačil. V sklopu tekstilnih paketov se vsak mesec razdelijo otroške igrače, ki so večinoma v dobrem stanju ali nove.

Humanitarna organizacija Merhamet je tako kot v vseh preteklih mesecih in akcijah hvaležna vsem svojim donatorjem in prostovoljcem, brez katerih ne bi mogli uresničiti zastavljenih projektov in ciljev.


Humanitarna organizacija Merhamet je v mesecu maju izvedla nekaj aktivnosti, ki so realizirane na naslednje načine: podelitev bajramskih paketov v sodelovanju z Mešihatom Islamske skupnosti v Republiki Sloveniji, realizacija enokratne pomoči v obliki poravnave dolgov ene socialno ogrožene družine iz Ljubljane ter realizacija tekstilnih daril za mlade.


Bajramsko darilo je akcija, ki jo je izvedla HO Merhamet v sodelovanju z Mešihatom Islamske skupnosti v Republiki Sloveniji. V tej akciji je bilo razdeljenih 130 prehrambnih paketov za uporabnike Merhametovih storitev.


Humanitarna organizacija Merhamet je aprila razdelila 100 paketov prehrambnih artiklov, 100 paketov krompirja, 80 paketov tekstilnih potrebščin in 20 paketov higienskih potrebščin za otroke: plenice, robčke, adaptirano mleko in različne proizvode vnaprej pripravljene hrane za otroke.

»Sadaka za nasmeh« je naša osrednja akcija, število njenih uporabnikov se iz meseca v mesec veča. Na žalost se je veliko ljudi zaradi pojava koronavirusa in posledično odpuščanj z delovnih mest znašlo v težkih razmerah, saj so ostali brez službe.


Humanitarna organizacija Merhamet med ramazanom začenja z akcijo ”Bajramsko darilo”, ki je namenjena vsem uporabnikom Merhametovih storitev. ”Bajramsko darilo” je nadaljevanje naše osrednje akcije ”Sadaka za nasmeh”. S takšnimi akcijami želimo omogočiti potrebne prehrambne, tekstilne in materialne donacije za vse, ki so takšnih donacij potrebni.


Humanitarna organizacija Merhamet je v marcu nadaljevala s svojo osrednjo akcijo ”Sadaka za nasmeh”. V tem mesecu je dodeljeno 100 paketov prehrambnih izdelkov. Zahvaljujoč vsem donatorjem smo razdelili 60 paketov tekstilnih izdelkov, med katerimi so moška, ženska in otroška oblačila ter obutev. Humanitarna organizacija Merhamet vsak mesec razdeli nekaj koles, otroških vozičkov, igrač, otroških nahrbtnikov in različne potovalne kovčke. Vse naše akcije izvajamo s pomočjo donatorjev, ki vsak mesec omogočijo potrebne količine prehrambnih, tekstilnih in ostalih izdelkov, ki so nam potrebni.


Humanitarna organizacija Merhamet v mesecu februarju nadaljuje s svojo glavno akcijo ”Sadaka za nasmeh”. V sklopu te akcije je ta mesec razdeljeno 90 paketov prehrambnih izdelkov in 70 paketov tekstilnih potrebščin (moška, ženska in otroška oblačila in obutev). Prav tako sta v sklopu te akcije podarjena dva otroška avtosedeža ter otroško kolo in osnovne higienske potrebščine za majhne otroke: plenice, šamponi, vlažilni robčki in otroška hrana.



In January 2021, the humanitarian organization Merhamet distributed 80 food packages that include basic food products: flour, oil, rice, pasta, sugar, salt, milk and basic hygiene items. Merhamet’s main campaign is “Sadaka za nasmeh”, in which packages of food and textile supplies are distributed to users of Merhamet’s services. On this occasion, 80 packages of textile products were distributed: men’s, women’s and children’s clothing and footwear, bedding, towels and various household accessories. As part of this campaign, 30 packages of sacrificial meat are distributed, which are intended for families in difficult living conditions.


In December, the humanitarian organization Merhamet distributed 50 packages of food items and 50 packages of various textile products, including men’s, women’s and children’s clothing and footwear.

In 2020, the humanitarian organization Merhamet, thanks to our loyal donors and good people, managed to distribute more than a thousand packages of food items.

Our mission is to provide direct emergency assistance to users and raise awareness of the professional and lay public. We carry out our activity according to the principles of non-profit and voluntary. We are guided in our work by the values ​​of solidarity and social justice.

The goal of the humanitarian organization MERHAMET is to care for and raise the material, spiritual and cultural standard of people regardless of their religious, political, ethnic or any other affiliation.

We want our help to reach everyone who needs it. In talking to people, we are aware that the coronal virus pandemic has brought with it severe material hardships in various forms.

Merhamet has its regular monthly “Sadaka za nasmeh” campaign, which is intended to collect material, financial or food donations, all for the purpose of purchasing basic food packages. All of you who are capable and want to be a part of Merhamet’s campaigns are welcome with us, as you can help in various ways.

Since March, the humanitarian organization Merhamet has been helping the families of migrants in and around Ljubljana every month. Food packages are donated to families every month.

In order to be able to realize any action, we need the help of good people. Therefore, you who read these lines, be and become part of Merhamet’s actions. It will be a little for you, but it means a lot to someone else. When we help others, we are actually building better personality traits within ourselves, when we are socially active, we are perfected and happy. So be human and help others!


In November, the humanitarian organization Merhamet distributed 90 packages of food and 40 packages of textile products, including men’s, women’s and children’s clothing, as well as footwear and various accessories for the home and household. The humanitarian organization Merhamet realizes the distribution of food items every month in an action called “Sadaka za nasmeh”.

The activities and donations of our members and donors are reflected in various ways. In addition to all the activities, the humanitarian organization Merhamet donated a cot, a pram, a baby swing and various household appliances to the families in November. All of this was donated by our loyal donors.

We strived to make our help available to all families in need, as well as to families of migrants living in the municipality of Ljubljana.

Many different requests and letters arrive at the address of the Humanitarian Organization Merhamet every month, both from Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. With God’s help, we strive to ensure that most requests are granted. That is why we thank all the good people and our donors who fight tirelessly and take care of others. May dear God repay you.


In November, the humanitarian organization Merhamet delighted several families in Bosnia and Herzegovina with food packages. Merhamet also delighted two families by buying firewood. A large number of families have found themselves in difficult living conditions due to the epidemic of the new coronavirus.

In order to make even more families in need happy, we invite you who have the opportunity to join us and become humane.


The humanitarian organization Merhamet expresses its gratitude to all its donors and volunteers. Thank you for donations, tireless work and helping others. We thank the families of Muhamed Kulauzović and Hazim Okanović, who with their donations prepared us to thank them and ask the Almighty God to give them and their families health and success, both in business and private life.

In the months that are behind us, we have been informed about all activities and campaigns carried out by the Humanitarian Organization Merhamet. We want our good name to spread and to make people feel cared for. This can take many forms. Man is a social and humane being. By doing good, we are creating a society in which most people will be content, happy and well-off. Our monthly “Sadaka za nasmeh” campaign is also waiting for us in December. We hope that all of you who have read this text will be part of our story.

Be human / Be human / Be a part of good / Give and help!