We invite all members and people of good will to a joint campaign - food for Syrian refugees , which will be held in cooperation with the Islamic Community in the Republic of Slovenia.
The campaign will take place on Friday, 23.10. and Saturday, 24 October 2015, between 11:00 and 19:00, at the address Zaloška 217a, Ljubljana-Fužine, in the premises of the Islamic Community in the Republic of Slovenia.
NOTE: We kindly ask that the donated food be suitable for immediate use and packaged in the original packaging. Also, the food should not contain pork products.
canned meat that does not require refrigeration and heat treatment: chicken pate, fish, turkey meat cutlet ...
bread, toast,
packaged dried fruit,
drinking water - exclusively bottles,
tea and permanent milk,
baby food
vitamin bars and vitamin drinks,
sweets and cookies,
basic hygiene aids: moisturizing wipes, diapers, etc.
Funds can be paid at the Merhamet Humanitarian Association: SI56 2900 00050849003 opened with UniCredit Bank.
For all additional information you can call the number: 031 435 387.
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